
Bipolar Disorder

Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine Practice located in Helotes , TX

Bipolar Disorder

The mood swings and emotional highs and lows of bipolar disorder need careful treatment and monitoring so they don’t become chaotic and destructive to your quality of life. Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, but it doesn’t need to ruin your life. The team of mental health experts at STAT Counseling & Consulting, LLC of Helotes, Texas, can help. Contact STAT Counseling & Consulting, LLC online or over the phone to schedule an appointment.

Bipolar Disorder Q&A

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder. There are two types of bipolar disorder and that have associated conditions, such as hypomania or mania. 

People with bipolar disorder experience uncontrollable mood swings between states of elevated and depressed mood known as mania and depression. It can be difficult for people with this disorder to recognize when these major mood swings are occurring or to identify related changes in goals, activity levels, and emotions.

What are mania and depression?

Mania is a condition of elevated mood and energy. People experiencing manic episodes often show intense goal-directed activity, recklessness, decreased need for sleep or rest, distractibility, and grandiosity. Mania can also be expressed as irritability rather than elevated mood.

Depression is a condition of low mood and energy. Depressive episodes can correspond with loss of interest in normal life activities, excessive sleeping or sleeplessness, and suicidal tendencies.

Hypomania is a milder form of mania without psychotic elements that doesn’t significantly impair your ability to function. Hypomania episodes last for at least four days.

What are the types of bipolar disorder?

The different types of bipolar disorder correspond to typical patterns of mania and depression.

  • Bipolar I disorder: mania symptoms last for at least one week or require hospitalization, and can be followed by a depressive episode. 
  • Bipolar II disorder: involves major depressive episodes interspersed with hypomanic periods lasting at least four days. 
  • Cyclothymia: a condition with sub-threshold major depression and mild hypomania

All of these conditions can disrupt the progression of your life. Bipolar I and II disorders need lifelong treatment and management.

How is bipolar disorder treated?

Bipolar disorders can’t be cured, and mood cycling presents an ongoing challenge that needs continuous management.

Temporary improvements in mood or mental health may not be long-lasting for individuals with these types of mood disorders. It’s not enough to treat depression or mania alone in people with bipolar disorder.

Effective treatments for bipolar disorder include medication management and ongoing psychotherapy with a licensed professional. If you take medication for your bipolar disorder, don’t discontinue it without talking to your provider first.

To learn more about managing your bipolar disorder, contact the team of mental health experts at STAT Counseling & Consulting, LLC of Helotes, Texas.